Question / Help OBS has fps-drops when playing BF1


New Member
Hello lads och girls!

I have been streaming since, perhaps 6 months now. No problems what so ever. But when I play battlefield 1 nowdays my obs will have framedrops, not the game it self, only the software. Im going for 720/60 fps. No issues normaly. I run 1800 bitrate, all games will be able to play 60 fps 720. Obs will drop down to 45 fps, and if you watch the stream you can see clearly some major problems. Have you had the same problems, or heard about it before? I would say my specs is more than enough for running it stable on 60 fps.

Best regards


Latest version OBS
Network 100/100 mbit
CPU 4790k 4.6GHz
x2 970
16GB ram


Forum Admin
Have you tried on OBS Studio? Classic is basically a dead project and has some significant bugs (especially with windows 10) that won't be patched.

Also, 1800 bitrate is nowhere near sufficient for 720p 60fps. You need at least 4,000 for that to start to look decent with any kind of high motion game like BF1.


New Member
That bitrate is far too low for a high motion fps game at 720p 60fps. Unless you can go a higher bitrate you definitely need to lower your fps and resolution because you cannot expect obs to encode all the information from bf1 into a low 1800 bitrate at 720p 60fps.