Bug Report OBS freezes the recording after a few minutes


New Member
OBS started freezing the video after roughly 10 minutes in only recently. I didn't change any settings and it only happens with recording. When it first happened, I stopped the recording and closed the program, opened it, and it worked fine but today it keeps freezing around the same amount of time has passed and when I stop the recording it says "stopping recording..." and is stuck like that.

Current log file:
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New Member
so i've been trying around now and as i can see it's cause of the new windows 10 update from the 1st/2nd september. however right now i am running my stream for 25 mins without a crash. i just turned off the streampreview and it works.

*edit* 1 hour and 8 minutes still no crash

*edit2* 4 hours no crash.
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New Member
Do you know if disabling preview works for recording too? Seems like it would if it worked for streaming.