Hello, I'm new user of that software and I got some strange issues with fps while streaming, didn't seen that on anyone or just missed something in searching...
I set everything like many people says to optimize stream to ability of my PC so my setup is:
30 fps @ 1280x720
2000bit rate / 2200 buffer
Process priority : high
cpu decoding set at medium.
and my PC is :
i7 3770k @4.2GHz
8gb ram
8800 GTX graphic card (and don't know if here is problem)
Windows 7 x64 SP1
and internet connection is 30/3
All that gets me 10-17 fps (with 8-12 is mostly showing) while streaming and no matter what I stream, game or just desktop .
+ changes in decoding to very fast or faster don't help
+ process priority change to normal, above normal don't bring any changes
So need help how to fix it or where is issue of that because i think i can go even 60fps here if GPU isn't "it".
Dshow diagnostic :
Device: XSplitBroadcaster
type: RGB32, usingFourCC: false, res: 1x1 - 320x240, fps: 1-255.004
type: 'AYUV', usingFourCC: true, res: 1x1 - 320x240, fps: 1-255.004
type: YUY2, usingFourCC: false, res: 1x1 - 320x240, fps: 1-255.004
I set everything like many people says to optimize stream to ability of my PC so my setup is:
30 fps @ 1280x720
2000bit rate / 2200 buffer
Process priority : high
cpu decoding set at medium.
and my PC is :
i7 3770k @4.2GHz
8gb ram
8800 GTX graphic card (and don't know if here is problem)
Windows 7 x64 SP1
and internet connection is 30/3
All that gets me 10-17 fps (with 8-12 is mostly showing) while streaming and no matter what I stream, game or just desktop .
+ changes in decoding to very fast or faster don't help
+ process priority change to normal, above normal don't bring any changes
So need help how to fix it or where is issue of that because i think i can go even 60fps here if GPU isn't "it".
Dshow diagnostic :
Device: XSplitBroadcaster
type: RGB32, usingFourCC: false, res: 1x1 - 320x240, fps: 1-255.004
type: 'AYUV', usingFourCC: true, res: 1x1 - 320x240, fps: 1-255.004
type: YUY2, usingFourCC: false, res: 1x1 - 320x240, fps: 1-255.004