Bug Report OBS FPS problem


New Member
Hello, I'm new user of that software and I got some strange issues with fps while streaming, didn't seen that on anyone or just missed something in searching...
I set everything like many people says to optimize stream to ability of my PC so my setup is:
30 fps @ 1280x720
2000bit rate / 2200 buffer
Process priority : high
cpu decoding set at medium.
and my PC is :
i7 3770k @4.2GHz
8gb ram
8800 GTX graphic card (and don't know if here is problem)
Windows 7 x64 SP1
and internet connection is 30/3
All that gets me 10-17 fps (with 8-12 is mostly showing) while streaming and no matter what I stream, game or just desktop .
+ changes in decoding to very fast or faster don't help
+ process priority change to normal, above normal don't bring any changes
So need help how to fix it or where is issue of that because i think i can go even 60fps here if GPU isn't "it".
Dshow diagnostic :
Device: XSplitBroadcaster
type: RGB32, usingFourCC: false, res: 1x1 - 320x240, fps: 1-255.004
type: 'AYUV', usingFourCC: true, res: 1x1 - 320x240, fps: 1-255.004
type: YUY2, usingFourCC: false, res: 1x1 - 320x240, fps: 1-255.004


Community Helper
First thing always post a log file so we can see exactly where you bottleneck is. viewtopic.php?f=18&t=97

Medium preset and high priority won't help you out. Very fast preset is what most people should use unless you really know what you are doing. Also I have no idea why you are using XSplit as your source. Just use OBS to do everything. Unless you are trying to post in the XSplit forums.

With that out of the way though your problem is an old graphics card. Once long ago that card was the best, but these days it doesn't really hold up very well. OBS uses the graphics card quite a bit to do the rendering and other neat optimizations. Upgrading to a modern graphics card to a lets say Nvidia GTX 660ti or AMD 7950 should give you much better results.


New Member
Floatingthru said:
OBS uses the graphics card quite a bit to do the rendering and other neat optimizations.
One of things that I wanted to hear while posting all that stuff and I think source of problem than, so than you very much.
btw I'm not a "hard gamer" so my actual card is enough for me to play some older games (last working component from old PC lol) and yeah i think about upgrading it but still price of 660gtx ti (what i aimed for) isn't so optimistic for me right now :P
Anyway thx for help. Cheers.


Search for used GTX660 Ti or 7950. You can get the card much cheaper and most of those used cards are in like straight-from-the-factory condition since the oldest ones are less than one year old. (Speaking of GTX 6xx and HD7xxx series)