There should be driver / software that would go along with the camera to have it treated as a web camera, if it doesn't just work that way by plugging it in. I remember for the Canon Rebel T3I there was software set aside for controlling the camera w/ a computer, the type of stuff you'd need if you were planning on doing a really long time-lapse or if you needed to set up for something like school year book, but part of that functionality also included a driver to treat the Canon as a web-camera.
The virtualcam plugin does a similar thing but for obs, it treats what you'd typically broadcast or record as a web camera, allowing you to use it to "broadcast" over programs like Skype.
The JVC GY-HM200U is pretty high end, there's probably more than a few ways to get it's video stream over to obs, if not directly to Zoom. Looking at amazon it looks like from the specs it's got an hdmi output and it's own streaming capabilities. I don't use capture cards so I can't make recommendations on what to buy, but if the software seems to fall short that could be a solution w/ the HDMI output. If the camera can stream on it's own, I'd check the manual to see if it can to custom rtmp server (since it says it can stream directly to YouTube that should be possible) You can use rtmp streams as a media source in obs. That w/ the virtualcam plugin dodgepong mentioned and you'll be set.