Bug Report OBS: Error Parsing X File


New Member
Hi, so recently my version of OBS started saying "Error Parsing X File" while I saw some of the solutions they seemed like it would just delete my scenes which I don't want. I did some research and found out Parsing in Computing means read/interpret the file(s). This means the error happens when the language the file is written in is somehow not able to be interpreted. This leaves me to believe it's a coding issue. However oddly enough I tried writing the same exact code into a totally new .xconfig file and it still gave me the same message when used, so I know it's not the file that's corrupted. I believe what's going on is OBS just can't translate the file and because of that it's giving an error. So, what I want to know is how do I fix this without Deleting My Scenes or having a backup?

Parse (Computing): analyze (a string or text) into logical syntactic components, typically in order to test conformability to a logical grammar.

With all of my research it seems the file is syntaxed wrong, or a class is defined wrong, or a value just shouldn't exist but it does. There should be a way to see.

P.S I computer Proficient so don't try to dumb it down.


The file is corrupt. It is a known issue with Classic, and has been fixed in Studio (yet another reason to move over to Studio). Said bug will not be fixed in Classic, because Classic has been dead for about a year.

Now as to the issue at hand:
The 'simple solution' is to delete the file and rebuild your scenes/settings. That said, you can open the file in a text editor (NotePad++ comes to mind) and try to manually fix/parse it yourself, but most people who have tried can't, or just make things worse. I would offer more help, but it's been a long time since I've looked at that file, and I uninstalled Classic yesterday (I personally no longer support it).

Also (if you choose to stay with Classic for some reason) make/keep a back up of this file (once you get things sorted out) in case it happens to you in the future.