Question / Help OBS/Elgato Audio Desync


New Member
So I have been streaming with my Elgato on OBS for awhile now and just recently started getting this problem. The stream starts out fine, everything working perfectly, then after some time, idk, maybe 45+ minutes, the audio is delayed. Say you will perform an action in game, 1.5 seconds later, the audio follows it.

My settings are all default. I use a 3000 max bitrate. My internet connection is 136/22, so no issues there. I have streamed up to a 12000 bitrate once just to see if my internet could handle it.

Base Resoluion: 1280x720
MP3 - 192 codec

Are there any fixes for this yet? Thank you.


There are a lot of threads about this but i can search one for you.

Btw one little tip: use AAC audio codec. Better audio quality. Goes almost like this AAC 192kbps = MP3 320kbps. :p


New Member
My issue is game audio. That was for syncing a mic with the game. My problem is that say for Zelda, when I swing the sword, 2 seconds later, the noise of the swinging happens.

At the beginning of the stream, I swing the sword, the noise is lined up perfectly. An hour later, I swing the sword, 2 seconds later, the audio of the swinging happens, even though the swing has already happened. My mic/webcam has no delay issues. I am just looking for a Game Video/Audio fix.