Question / Help OBS, Dxtory, and red box


Does Dxtory not work right with OBS? I have Dxtory 1 as the global source on OBS and I get a red box on the preview. It works fine with Xsplit.

I have Dxtory ignoring obs.exe as well.


heros in an halfshel
DXtory does work with OBS, however you may have specified a problematic resolution for DXtory Video 1, this is usually the case when DXtory's DirectShow output gives you a red square as output in OBS.


heros in an halfshel
I'm not quite sure why you would set the scaling on the "Movie" tab in DXtory to anything but 100%, unless you wanted to downscale an actual recording.

I just tried a 1920x1080 output on Video 1 using DXtory, and it works fine. What resolution is the application you're trying to capture running at? (Check the first tab in DXtory itself, it shows a bunch of useful data for the games, including their framebuffer size.)


Initially I tried to do the 4096 res I was streaming at the other night directly with OBS and I wanted to try with Dxtory.

I tried again making Dxtory scaling and output 1 the same res, and having the same res in custom in OBS. I still got the red box.

I then tried to put 1920 into the same fields and having the game in windowed mode as I usually would (stretching to top/bottom, left/right on one monitor on a Surround enabled desktop). There is still a red box.

I just reset to non Surround so that each monitor's app windows just maximize to that window. I wish Surround wouldn't expand all windows across all 3 screens. I thought Ultra Mon/Matrox's software that can be used by anyone was supposed to help with this but I can't find a way.

With non Surround and all fields set to 1920x1080, and the game in windowed mode, Dxtory showing it is working with the brown FPS running, I still get a red box in OBS.


heros in an halfshel
That still doesn't answer my question, though. What resolution are you running the game at? 4096xsomething? It is very possible that DXtory doesn't handle such large resolutions, resulting in broken output, and if you can use it in OBS directly it will in all cases be faster than using DXtory.


As I said, I switched back to 1080p and it still shows the red box. It has nothing to do with Surround mode when it isn't in Surround mode.

...ugh now I cant even get software window capture to work. It was working ...ok...earlier in the preview now it seems stuck on trying to show Surround even with 1080p set in OBS. I restarted the program twice to try and fix it.

I am thinking something is wrong with settings being saved properly. Bug?



found a link in the chain that was broken...why do there have to be so many?...right click Dxtory 1 properites in global source> make sure it is the same res as every other res you have set.

Now to later test it with the Surround settings...