Bug Report OBS Dropping Frames


New Member
Lately, a very weird thing have been happening with OBS. When I start streaming for the first few minutes, it works nicely, but then it randomly starts dropping frames and the stream lags a lot. It also randomly starts working nice again, but it doesn't last long. I already tried changing servers and streaming on a different computer, but it still having the same problem.

I also already tried streaming with a different software and it works just fine, so I'm really not sure what is going on.

Here is the log of one of the stream. (A short one, because I was testing)
20:02:35: Open Broadcaster Software v0.522b - 64bit ( ^ω^)
20:02:35: -------------------------------
20:02:35: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
20:02:35: CPU Speed: 3392MHz
20:02:35: Physical Memory:  6050MB Total, 4299MB Free
20:02:35: stepping id: 7, model 10, family 6, type 0, extmodel 1, extfamily 0, HTT 1, logical cores 8, total cores 4
20:02:35: monitor 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1280, 1024}
20:02:35: Windows Version: 6.1 Build 7601 S
20:02:35: Aero is Disabled
20:02:35: -------------------------------
20:02:35: OBS Modules:
20:02:35: Base Address     Module
20:02:35: 000000003FB60000 OBS.exe
20:02:35: 00000000F1B90000 OBSApi.dll
20:02:35: 00000000F8830000 DShowPlugin.dll
20:02:35: 00000000F9DC0000 GraphicsCapture.dll
20:02:35: 00000000F6A80000 NoiseGate.dll
20:02:35: ------------------------------------------
20:02:35: Adapter 1
20:02:35:   Video Adapter: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
20:02:35:   Video Adapter Dedicated Video Memory: 67108864
20:02:35:   Video Adapter Shared System Memory: 1711276032
20:02:35: =====Stream Start: 2013-06-20, 20:02:35===============================================
20:02:35:   Multithreaded optimizations: On
20:02:35:   Base resolution: 1366x768
20:02:35:   Output resolution: 908x512
20:02:35: ------------------------------------------
20:02:35: Loading up D3D10...
20:02:35: Playback device Default
20:02:35: ------------------------------------------
20:02:35: Using desktop audio input: Alto-falantes (VIA High Definition Audio)
20:02:35: ------------------------------------------
20:02:35: Audio Encoding: AAC
20:02:35:     bitrate: 160
20:02:35: Using bitmap image
20:02:35: Using Window Capture
20:02:35: Using Window Capture
20:02:35: Using bitmap image
20:02:35: ------------------------------------------
20:02:35: Video Encoding: x264
20:02:35:     fps: 60
20:02:35:     width: 908, height: 512
20:02:35:     preset: veryfast
20:02:35:     CBR: yes
20:02:35:     CFR: no
20:02:35:     max bitrate: 1000
20:02:35: ------------------------------------------
20:02:37: Using RTMP service: Twitch / Justin.tv
20:02:37:   Server selection: rtmp://live.justin.tv/app
20:02:39: SO_SNDBUF was at 8192
20:02:39: SO_SNDBUF is now 65536
20:03:36: Total frames rendered: 3484, number of frames that lagged: 3391 (97.33%) (it's okay for some frames to lag)
20:03:36: okay, this is strange
20:03:36: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Aborting due to loop exit
20:03:36: librtmp error: WriteN, RTMP send error 10035 (79 bytes)
20:03:36: librtmp error: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)
20:03:36: Number of times waited to send: 14, Waited for a total of 39294 bytes
20:03:36: Number of b-frames dropped: 1429 (44%), Number of p-frames dropped: 1441 (45%), Total 2870 (89%)
20:03:36: =====Stream End: 2013-06-20, 20:03:36=================================================
20:03:39: Profiler results:
20:03:39: ==============================================================
20:03:39: frame - [100%] [avg time: 17.321 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 95.9%] [unaccounted: 4.06%]
20:03:39: | scene->Preprocess - [89.9%] [avg time: 15.57 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1]
20:03:39: | video encoding and uploading - [6.04%] [avg time: 1.047 ms] [avg calls per frame: 1] [children: 5.91%] [unaccounted: 0.133%]
20:03:39: | | CopyResource - [0.473%] [avg time: 0.082 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
20:03:39: | | conversion to 4:2:0 - [0.156%] [avg time: 0.027 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
20:03:39: | | call to encoder - [5.17%] [avg time: 0.896 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
20:03:39: | | sending stuff out - [0.11%] [avg time: 0.019 ms] [avg calls per frame: 0]
20:03:39: ==============================================================

Can it be something that I'm missing or something that I didn't noticed on the settings that I should change?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Might just be using more bandwidth than you can handle -- not entirely sure


New Member
I don't think it is my bandwidth because even if I lower the bitrate, it drops so much frames that it reaches 200~0kbps while I can use the internet normally to connect to Skype and other sites.

I also noticed these 4 lines on the log as well, I don't know if they mean anything or not:

20:03:36: okay, this is strange
20:03:36: RTMPPublisher::SocketLoop: Aborting due to loop exit
20:03:36: librtmp error: WriteN, RTMP send error 10035 (79 bytes)
20:03:36: librtmp error: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)


New Member
I think I should warn that I use Windows 7 here right now, since it says that it does not work on it (I could open just fine though, and those were the results).

DiffProbe release. January 2012. Build 1008.
Shaper Detection Module.

Connected to server

Estimating capacity:
Upstream: 2058 Kbps.
Downstream: 10318 Kbps.

The measurement will take upto 2.5 minutes. Please wait.

Checking for traffic shapers:

Upstream: No shaper detected.
Median received rate: 2016 Kbps.

Downstream: No shaper detected.
Median received rate: 10117 Kbps.

For more information, visit: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~partha/diffprobe


Town drunk
Yeah, I don't really know why it says that, it's always worked on Windows 7 machines.

You clearly have enough upstream from your ISP for the bitrate you've specified. Try picking a different Twitch server.


New Member
I already tried that as well but the same thing happens as well. I might have some problems for being in South America and no Twitch servers being nowhere close to where I live, but I used to stream way before this happened and changing didn't worked too much.


Try the ashburn secondary server and enable Aero from obs and restart it.. also switch to a windows transparent theme.


New Member
hilalpro said:
Try the ashburn secondary server and enable Aero from obs and restart it.. also switch to a windows transparent theme.
This didn't worked either. As I said in the thread, I already tried to change servers and it all lead to the same results. The Aero is already disabled and my windows already uses a transparent theme.


From the log and latest vod aero looks disabled.. ideally you want aero to be ON when using window capture (setting>video>untick disable aero>restart obs and go pick a trasparent theme from windows).
Take care of the frame time first then post another log so we can see about the frame drops.