Bug Report OBS don't works fine in QUADRO GPU


New Member
First... sorry for my bad english :/

I have some problems since the last update of OBS, now ( is true ) that with a bad conexion 10/1 ( download/upload ) i can stream LOL, at 860+ but when i put the game on borderless mode my GPU can`t reach 60 fps, but if y put the normal mode game, i can catch more of 80 fps ( Nvidia Quadro 600 ) , what happend with this? i saw that OBS consume a lot of my GPU... but in the last version i can that my GPU work perfectly ( but i couldn't stream more of 520p )

See you


Games typically run with lower FPS in borderless mode. They run with higher FPS in fullscreen mode. This is typical for most games and has nothing to do with OBS. OBS does some of its work on the GPU to speed things up, so you are going to get slightly lower FPS due to that fact only.


New Member
If i play borderless mode with out the OBS y can play at 80 fps ( FULL settings ) but when i start the OBS this fps can fall at 45-50 if i turn the setting to mid, or low, this fps are the same 45-50 ( the problem is that visually this fps can not be real... the same problem that if u have Throttling )


New Member


http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/7595 ... sinlol.jpg

WITH OBS and with out lol:


There u can see the programs that i have oppened.
U can see that when i turn on OBS, the GPU use the 34% of his power with this program.

I have the i7 3770k


OBS uses the GPU to render the scene so ofc it will use some GPU power. And since we are talking about Quadro 600 (workstation GPU) it's just too weak to keep the 60fps while streaming. Quadro GPUs are not meant for real-time 3D rendering so most of the games won't even run. For example i have tried BF3 on Quadro 5000 and got 15-20fps on ultra :D $2000 GPU :D Quadros are not ideal for gaming :D


New Member
It's posibble but i don't understand why playing at the same form ( borderless mode ) if i play with out obs, i have 60 stable, but if i turn on obs... this performance is too bad T__T

But yes... quadro GPU is not for gaming XD


I made a little graph of OBS gpu usage which shows how big performance impact using OBS causes on weaker GPUs.
As you can see in the graph OBS uses like 40% GPU with weaker GPU while it's only 8% with stronger GPU. This explains the huge fps drop.
Those values are fictitious and are not based on anything and are not in any specific units but that shows the scaling while using same settings on different GPUs.


(40 is the fictitious power usage and Quadro has 100 of gpu power available and GTX 670 has 500)