Bug Report OBS disables webcam when changing scene collection.


New Member
Tried tweeting it, now I'm trying it here.

Recently started using the new OBS Multiplatform, on win7 (64ibt) and when I switch between scene collections (I use one collection per game I stream) it "disables" my webcam, (Logitech C270). Whenever I change scene collections, I have to reboot OBS entirely. Quite annoying. That being said, I love what you're doing with OBS! Keep it up! Also I'd love to be able to change scene collections without having to stop streaming, so I can switch games on the fly while live.

Details in tweet;


Forum Moderator
Unable to reproduce with a C920 on Windows 10 for what that's worth. I have four scene collection variations for arranging webcam and chat in the corners of my layout; switched between all four while recording with no problem.

Could you provide a log file from a stream/record attempt where the camera failed?


New Member
It happens for me whenever I change scene collections, (or switch games while streaming), now if I am live and change games, I tell my chat, I'll be right back, but I'm not right back. I have to stop streaming, switch scene collection, close OBS Studio, wait for it to actually close, reboot it, wait for it to actually reboot, and go live again. Every single time. Just thought I'd let the devs know.


New Member
Just did some more testing, if I switch back to the scene I had selected when I booted OBS, the webcam comes on again.
If I change to any other scene, the cam simply shuts down. Switch back, it comes on again.


New Member
Weirdest thing. While checking the log myself, the situation reversed. Now the cam activates on all scenes but the scene I booted OBS with. I had OBS open since I started this thread, never rebooted it.

Requested log;


  • 2015-12-05 08-07-19.txt
    68.1 KB · Views: 297


New Member
And here's a log of me booting OBS Studio, switching scene collections, and switching back to the one OBS launched with.
As far as I can tell, "the device is already in use".


  • 2015-12-05 08-17-14.txt
    23 KB · Views: 74


Forum Moderator
Does it make a difference if you switch to some kind of "transition" scene collection that doesn't include the camera at all? Almost sounds like it doesn't have time to shut down in between changes.


New Member
Just tried that. Made a new collection with no cam in it. If I switch to that before switching to the scene I want to change to, the cam comes up again. It is a viable workaround, but takes me just as long as rebooting OBS entirely. When preferably I would just change to the desired scene directly. What I could do is include a 'webcam free' scene in each collection, that would work seamlessly, I suppose. Thnx for thinking along! ♥


Forum Moderator
All sources in OBS-MP are global, so switching to a "webcam free" scene in scene collection that contains the webcam somewhere else won't do anything. It would need to be a new scene collection.

Personally I'd at least try getting the latest drivers and switching to a couple different USB ports to see if it makes a difference.


New Member
Drivers are all up-to-date, I could try changing USB ports, but that might lead to entirely different issues (some of my USB devices refuse to work when I change ports, like my midi keyboard).

For now, I'll just have one cam free scene collection to switch to when changing games.


New Member
Im new this forum hello guys :)

I have exactly the same problem as the topic starter has, i use the latest obs studio.
I also have the logitech c920 webcam.

I think its because the software not deactivate the webcam ,when swapping to a different scene.
There is a option deactivate webcam,when scenes is not activate.
I think it not works properly?

This the only bug or setting/problem for not using the new obs studio.
I thought its a new software so maybe its a bug that get fixxed later on .

Any tips for me how i can swap between scenes and on both senes the webcam works and when i swap it disables the other scene cam?

side not: I dont have it on the orginal obs


I think its because the software not deactivate the webcam ,when swapping to a different scene.
There is a option deactivate webcam,when scenes is not activate.
I think it not works properly?



New Member
I have exactly the same issue with my webcam Logitech c920. I think that it is because of this update. Before I was able to change the scene and the camera works fine, also having this option setted (Deactivate when not showing). Right now, with this update I can't change to other scene because the cam keeps on but don't show any image (keeps in black), but returning to previous secene shows the image again. I have Windows 10 too.


New Member
Oxize thanks for helping,but i have set it allready activated before i posted my post. But thanks anyway!
I have the same as Digoot problem, for now i use my trusted obs normal edition.

But the OBS studio is so good in many ways :)


I have the same as Digoot problem, for now i use my trusted obs normal edition.

But the OBS studio is so good in many ways :)
Well i am not having this problem. Well only when you start OBS Studio. You need to double click the webcam to show something. After that, i just can switch scenes and everything with webcam is showing normally.

Did you try also the 32-bit version of OBS Studio? When i runned 64-bit alot of functions didnt work in OBS Studio (auto-exposure, auto-color, lifecam dashboard, etc) for my MS Lifecam Studio because it was made for 32bit.
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New Member
Thanks for helping ,but obs studio just dont works for me properly with my webcam.
I tried what you did say 32bit and highlighting the webcam,just dont work on my side.
Normal version just works like a charm with some missing features.


New Member
Ok, I've been investigating about this problem and I have some news.

I set three scenes: secene 1 without webcam source, secene 2 with webcam source and scene 3 with webcam source.

When I change from scene 2 to scene 3 with the option "deactivate when not showing", it stay at deactivate mode, despite of the fact that I marked the same option on same scenes. The logic is that the webcam turns off when I exit from scene 2 and turns again on when I enter in scene 3. And same at reverse.

But, if I change from scene 2 to scene 1 and then scene 3, the camera works. To change between scenes that have webcam source I need to go through one scene that doesn't have it before, to force the camera show up image.

I tested the same thing without the option "deactivate when not showing" without any results, because the camera stucks in the scene where I unset this option, and didn't show any image in other scene.

P.S.: I've updated to the new version 15.4 and It still failing...

Suslik V

Active Member
..I set three scenes: secene 1 without webcam source, secene 2 with webcam source and scene 3 with webcam source...
Don't know what wrong with win10, but even on win7x64 I almost always use Add Existing instead of Create new when adding cameras. It can solve many problems when this cloning option enabled. I like it.
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Active Member
I use two c-920's at times and they work fine but when I stream with only one I use 'add existing' in a new scene...
I found adding the same cam in another scene as 'a new device' is problematic.


New Member
Don't know what wrong with win10, but even on win7x64 I almost always use Add Existing instead of Create new when adding cameras. It can solve many problems when this cloning option enabled. I like it.

I use two c-920's at times and they work fine but when I stream with only one I use 'add existing' in a new scene...
I found adding the same cam in another scene as 'a new device' is problematic.

Ok but, Could you tell me where is the option that are you talking about?
