Question / Help OBS Desktop Audio not recording (with soundflower)


New Member
After the recent update, I had problems recording the game, and finally sat down to fix it, and started having the desktop audio not work, even with using Soundflower. I'm pretty sure I have all of the settings right, and I am also pretty sure they are what I was using before the most recent update. I use Astro A30s when I record since they have a mic right on them even though it isn't the best mic, and I also hear my game audio out of them.

So, in short:
-I need to record both my game audio and microphone (That is the C-Media USB device; I needed an adapter)
-I also need to be able to hear the game while I'm playing, which is what I can't do, but the mic works fine.

What I was wondering, is there any way to make OBS recognize the aggregate device? Using soundflower (2ch) I can't hear the game, but with the aggregate device it outputs to my headphones and soundflower 2(ch). If this isn't possible, any other setups or solutions would help. :) Also, below are my settings so people can double check and tell me if they aren't actually right. I can take more screenshots if people need.

My soundflower settings

OBS won't pick up my desktop audio.

These are the desktop audio devices I can use, as well as my mic settings.