Bug Report OBS crashing other programs while streaming


With the latest version (v0.50b), whenever i try to start a program while streaming, some other programs immediately crash (like Skype and Spotify)

Here's a video with me trying to start programs while streaming with OBS:

At first, i thought the new game capture was the culpit, but it turned out that even switching back to window capture, it didnt help. Everytime i tried to start Skype or Spotify, crashing almost instantly everytime...

My guess is that it has something to do with Snip, the program i use to display my current track on the stream, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, can anyone test to stream for about a hour with Skype, Spotify and Snip running at the same time? I want to see if it's not just me...


Updating SNIP to 2.6.0 seems to have fixed the issue... just ended a 5h long stream without any noticable issues.


Forum Admin
The only time OBS will touch other programs is if you try and use game capture on them.