Question / Help OBS Crashing, No 'High Encoding' Message


New Member
Last night, my PC converted itself to Windows 10 (Don't ask, just blame Microsoft). Before this update, OBS was working perfectly fine. However, today, it's been nothing but a pain. Crashing every few minutes, resulting in me having to test out some stuff on an alternate Twitch account. (With no resulting thing)

It doesn't even have the 'High Encoding, Watch Out!' message. It just crashes!

I managed to grab a crash report, so hopefully this will help.
Is there any way to fix this ASAP (And yes, I have downloaded the most recent version of OBS, just in case)



  • OBSCrashLog2016-05-23_1.txt
    2.2 KB · Views: 1


Active Member
Well, if you revert to your previous OS, you can go to the Services and change the startup type for Windows Update to "Disabled". Only enable it to manually update your computer and check the internet for updates to not install because they're only for converting you to Windows 10.

Failing that, I'd update your drivers for everything, especially your Intel Integrated Video drivers. You weren't using a dedicated GPU before?


New Member
I was using a dedicated GPU before, so I don't know why the output suggests I was using integrated.
But I've reverted back to Windows 7, and that's sorted it. Thanks! :)