OBS Crashing after Update to 31.0.0


New Member
i went through everything and saw that on one of the filters for my "Mic/Aux" in "Audio Mixer", i used NVIDIA noise suppression (NVIDIA audio effects). but it wasn't listed as how i added it. there was an "_" and something after it.
I use NVIDIA noise suppression without any crashes, but I added it as a filter to a microphone after the OBS 31 update. I wonder if this issue has something to do with NVIDIA noise suppression being separated from standard noise suppression as part of this new version.

Note that I've been experiencing a hang when exiting OBS every now and then, but I don't know if it has something to do with this filter.


New Member
yeah obs 31 at this point is crashing for every user...
they do need a hot fix... the report is giving alot of arreas even on clean installs...

alot of the plugins that most streamers use also haven't got updates in awhile
LIke the closed caption plug in that pairs with googles system which is the most accurate to date for free..

and may need to coders to recreate them and update them... because they might have been abandoned.
there is alot that v tubers ones uses as well...transitions(aka reactive png plugins)

discord audio capture and voice chat visual capture....as a back round capture when the window is minimized...

upvoted...... no sure how to do this.. teach me


New Member
and just to clearify fyi its when broad casting to twitch youtube or facebook..
but it also happened during recording....
it loose the twitch key randomely as well...


New Member
my obs keeps crashing when it open or sometimes just does not open at all i have uninstalled all the plugins that i am aware of but i am still having issues


New Member
My MAC is crashing even when I'm not streaming. Our church is virtual and this disruption is weekly. Is the audio monitor really a problem? Do I really need it if I'm using NDI?


New Member
OBS is working flawlessly. Changed the administrator level, and using OBS with graphics setting. Thank you all. OBS you are adorable