Bug Report OBS crashes while compiling recording


New Member
I have OBS set to record while streaming. Occasionally, maybe ~25% of the time, OBS will crash in the middle of compiling the recording after I've finished streaming. The recording still appears in the folder location I have specified and seems to be the correct file size based on how long I've been streaming but is unplayable when opened. Is there a way to resolve this and salvage the recording? Maybe try converting the file? And is there anything I can do to prevent this type of crash? Thanks!

Here's my logs from today: http://pastebin.com/621sb29S


New Member
Used the new test version (0.471b test 1) today and after streaming for 4 hours, OBS compiled the mp4 without crashing. So far, so good with this latest version. Thanks again!


New Member
Just providing an update after using 0.471b test 1 for the last couple of days. Zero disconnects from any servers (although it could be Twitch that was causing it and has since fixed the issue since all the problems they had over the weekend) as well as no crashes during mp4 compiling of recordings. However, all three recordings from the last three days, while playable in VLC, cannot be compiled in any of the video editors I've tried (Sony Vegas and Movie Maker). I've tried each file multiple times and since it's all three files that cannot be uploaded, I'm assuming its a problem in OBS. I'm in the process of converting the files into mp4 to see if it fixes the problem but it's very time consuming, so I was curious if there's any update on the test build or any help I could get.


New Member
Grimio said:
Try the CFR option. Video editors are know to have problems with variable frame rate.

Ah, I hadn't thought of that! I did test out CFR and it seemed to increase the CPU output a lot so I turned it back off. But that makes sense. Can CFR be used while streaming? I'm recording while streaming and my first thought is CFR would be used more so for local recordings only. Thanks!