Question / Help OBS Crashes when I move it to my 2nd monitor


New Member
Texture-> Map failed: 0x887a0005 0x887a0020

Your video driver reported an internal error. Please check for possible hardware / driver issues. This error can also occur if you have enabled opencl in x264 custom settings.

Windows 10, AMD R7 360 and the drivers are updated to the version 17.1.2, let me know if there is some more info i can provide.


Forum Admin
Can you update to OBS Studio and see if the issue is still present there? Classic is no longer updated or maintained.


Forum Admin
The error is not on Studio, not on this quick try at least, but i feel way more confortable using Classic.

The reason I ask is because Classic is a dead project which is no longer updated or maintained. This could very well be a bug in OBS Classic itself, or the drivers, but the chances of it getting fixed in OBS Classic are exactly 0.

That said, what about Studio are you having trouble with? We put together fairly comprehensive guides for almost all the features in Studio, and have tools available to help the switch. I really, REALLY recommend you make the switch sooner than later, as these types of issues in Classic are only going to become more and more common as time goes on.

Check this thread for more info:

As for the error itself, this is all the info we have:


New Member
The reason I ask is because Classic is a dead project which is no longer updated or maintained. This could very well be a bug in OBS Classic itself, or the drivers, but the chances of it getting fixed in OBS Classic are exactly 0.

That said, what about Studio are you having trouble with? We put together fairly comprehensive guides for almost all the features in Studio, and have tools available to help the switch. I really, REALLY recommend you make the switch sooner than later, as these types of issues in Classic are only going to become more and more common as time goes on.

Check this thread for more info:

As for the error itself, this is all the info we have:

I like it more because it's more simple on the main screen and i actually use the preview button a lot, but now that you say these things I'll watch some of those tutorials and give it a solid try, thanks for the help.