Bug Report OBS crashes when I attempt to start OBS....


New Member
Attempting to stream on Twitch and OBS crashes! I attempted to delete OBS and now it gives me an error msg when attempting to download OBS studio? Help Please!


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Are you using nvenc? If so, are you using 368.22 geforce drivers? If so, downgrade the drivers (or don't use nvenc) until nvidia fixes it. Otherwise, please post the crash log text.

What error message do you get when attempting to download obs studio?


New Member
Are you using nvenc? If so, are you using 368.22 geforce drivers? If so, downgrade the drivers (or don't use nvenc) until nvidia fixes it. Otherwise, please post the crash log text.

What error message do you get when attempting to download obs studio?


New Member
yes using nvec, and recently downloaded update for nvidia for overwatch, using geforce gtx 970

Error when downloading is

Error Opening file for writing:

C:Program Files (86)/obs-studio/bin?32bit/Qt5core.dll