Bug Report OBS crashes my TF2 when it tries to "hook" with game capture


New Member
Everytime I try to start streaming or just preview it, it crashes my HL2.exe (I saw some similar problem with something with ASUS but ive uninstalled the only Asus program i have on my computer gtx 680)
Idk what do to really ive tried updating my OBS to the new Aquaman verison and it didnt help exactly the same problem as listed above. same thing happend when i downgraded it. It also doesnt happen with any other game that i have Dota 2 works fine CSGO aswell only TF2 it happens with. :)


New Member
Re: OBS crashes my TF2 when it tries to "hook" with game cap

"Capture window 0x000F0A92 invalid or changing, terminating capture" from your OBS log.

Have you tried to create a new scene and add game capture? Since you are trying TF2 does the same thing happen when you run TF2 in -window -noborder and use windows capture in OBS?