Bug Report OBS Crash


New Member
1) After i reinstalled OBS + Desert Kharon

2) When i tried again to preview my stream
OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
http://www.obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\program files\obs\obsapi.dll' module.

Fault address: 5D877BF4 (c:\program files\obs\obsapi.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.60b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7600) 
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3220 @ 3.00GHz

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack    EIP      Arg0     Arg1     Arg2     Arg3     Address
0029F450 5D877BF4 006F004E 0157F760 013553AD 5D881010 obsapi.dll!FastAlloc::_Free+0x74
0029F460 5D881BF7 5D881010 00370000 00000000 0029F570 obsapi.dll!String::Clear+0x17
0029F46C 013553AD 00001396 0100ABCD 015729E0 00000002 obs.exe!AudioDeviceList::FreeData+0x1d
0029F480 0135BB24 0029F6D4 00000111 00000000 754183D4 obs.exe!OBS::Start+0x16d4
0029F580 0137856C 000F039E 00000111 00001396 00050352 obs.exe!OBS::OBSProc+0xaac
0029F660 754186EF 01377AC0 000F039E 00000111 00001396 user32.dll!0x754186ef
0029F68C 75418876 00000000 01377AC0 000F039E 00000111 user32.dll!0x75418876
0029F704 75417631 0068D890 00670B48 00001396 00050352 user32.dll!0x75417631
0029F744 75417695 000F039E 00000111 00001396 00050352 user32.dll!0x75417695
0029F764 73EB4E95 004716E0 00000000 00050352 004716E0 comctl32.dll!0x73eb4e95
0029F784 73EB4EF7 54010001 00000001 0029F874 00000202 comctl32.dll!0x73eb4ef7
0029F7A0 73EB4D89 00050352 00000202 00000000 0007004A comctl32.dll!0x73eb4d89
0029F800 754186EF 73E3F82B 00050352 00000202 00000000 user32.dll!0x754186ef
0029F82C 75418876 00000000 73E3F82B 00050352 00000202 user32.dll!0x75418876
0029F8A4 754189B5 73E3F82B 00000000 0029F930 75417033 user32.dll!0x754189b5
0029F904 75418E9C 0029F9B4 5D881010 074003A1 75418F97 user32.dll!0x75418e9c
0029F914 75417033 000F039E 006930A8 00000000 00000000 user32.dll!0x75417033
0029F938 01350A78 01330000 00000000 00441D1F 00000001 obs.exe!WinMain+0x8b8
0029FDF8 013B7AE9 7FFD3000 0029FECC 7700B3F5 7FFD3000 obs.exe!strstr+0x1c9
0029FE88 75A91174 7FFD3000 774872DB 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x75a91174
0029FE94 7700B3F5 013B7B3C 7FFD3000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x7700b3f5
0029FED4 7700B3C8 013B7B3C 7FFD3000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x7700b3c8

A minidump was saved to C:\Users\cristian\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2014-02-11_7.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.

List of loaded modules:
Base Address      Module


Forum Admin
Hm, looks like some memory corruption. Can you edit your OBS global.ini (Settings / Open Config Folder, then close OBS and edit the .ini), and in the [General] section add:


And try to preview again? OBS will perform more slowly with this option enabled, but the crash log or error you receive will be more helpful. You can remove it once you get a new log / .dmp file.


New Member
Did it. Now i get:

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
  Application Name:	OBS.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	52ef04b7
  Fault Module Name:	StackHash_e40d
  Fault Module Version:	6.1.7600.16385
  Fault Module Timestamp:	4a5bdadb
  Exception Code:	c0000374
  Exception Offset:	000c283b
  OS Version:	6.1.7600.
  Locale ID:	1033
  Additional Information 1:	e40d
  Additional Information 2:	e40d211e4f4d0646834a59ed56e0b6c6
  Additional Information 3:	4c2e
  Additional Information 4:	4c2e380f2c0a91b8d53e5db0a0893fcb


New Member
first time no. now i get another one

OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
http://www.obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll' module.

Fault address: 77A26176 (c:\windows\system32\ntdll.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.60b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7600) 
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3220 @ 3.00GHz

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack    EIP      Arg0     Arg1     Arg2     Arg3     Address
0019F110 77A26176 00990000 00000000 05F980F0 01B7E420 ntdll.dll!0x77a26176
0019F124 5E4F9FC9 00990000 00000000 05F980F0 0019F168 acxtrnal.dll!0x5e4f9fc9
0019F148 77B5F1AC 00990000 00000000 05F980F0 0019F174 kernel32.dll!0x77b5f1ac
0019F15C 5E988CD9 05F980F0 0019F180 5E97762C 0019F214 obsapi.dll!free+0x1c
0019F170 5E988E64 0019F214 0019F280 5E981024 0019F214 obsapi.dll!_aligned_free+0x17
0019F17C 5E97762C 0019F214 00E4BB15 00001396 0100F1B4 obsapi.dll!DefaultAlloc::_Free+0xc
0019F188 5E981024 00001396 0100F1B4 01C308F0 00000002 obsapi.dll!String::~String+0x14
0019F190 00E4BB15 0019F3E4 00000111 00000000 764F83D4 obs.exe!OBS::Start+0x16c5
0019F290 00E6856C 0004022A 00000111 00001396 0004022C obs.exe!OBS::OBSProc+0xaac
0019F370 764F86EF 00E67AC0 0004022A 00000111 00001396 user32.dll!0x764f86ef
0019F39C 764F8876 00000000 00E67AC0 0004022A 00000111 user32.dll!0x764f8876
0019F414 764F7631 00F7A540 00F7A4B0 00001396 0004022C user32.dll!0x764f7631
0019F454 764F7695 0004022A 00000111 00001396 0004022C user32.dll!0x764f7695
0019F474 74B24E95 002072D8 00000000 0004022C 002072D8 comctl32.dll!0x74b24e95
0019F494 74B24EF7 54010001 00000001 0019F584 00000202 comctl32.dll!0x74b24ef7
0019F4B0 74B24D89 0004022C 00000202 00000000 000B0020 comctl32.dll!0x74b24d89
0019F510 764F86EF 74AAF82B 0004022C 00000202 00000000 user32.dll!0x764f86ef
0019F53C 764F8876 00000000 74AAF82B 0004022C 00000202 user32.dll!0x764f8876
0019F5B4 764F89B5 74AAF82B 00000000 0019F640 764F7033 user32.dll!0x764f89b5
0019F614 764F8E9C 0019F6C4 5E981010 00290265 764F8F97 user32.dll!0x764f8e9c
0019F624 764F7033 0004022A 00F7C698 00000000 00000000 user32.dll!0x764f7033
0019F648 00E40A78 00E20000 00000000 001A1D1F 00000001 obs.exe!WinMain+0x8b8
0019FB0C 00EA7AE9 7FFDF000 0019FBE0 77A2B3F5 7FFDF000 obs.exe!strstr+0x1c9
0019FB9C 77B61174 7FFDF000 77B0315A 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x77b61174
0019FBA8 77A2B3F5 00EA7B3C 7FFDF000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x77a2b3f5
0019FBE8 77A2B3C8 00EA7B3C 7FFDF000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x77a2b3c8

A minidump was saved to C:\Users\cristian\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2014-02-12_4.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.

List of loaded modules:
Base Address      Module

and the dmp file has 0 kb. i tried again to preview it and it shows this:
out of range! List<class SceneItem *>::operator[](2)

Edit: i tried a few times again. same error

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
  Application Name:	OBS.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	52ef04b7
  Fault Module Name:	StackHash_e40d
  Fault Module Version:	6.1.7600.16385
  Fault Module Timestamp:	4a5bdadb
  Exception Code:	c0000374
  Exception Offset:	000c283b
  OS Version:	6.1.7600.
  Locale ID:	1033
  Additional Information 1:	e40d
  Additional Information 2:	e40d211e4f4d0646834a59ed56e0b6c6
  Additional Information 3:	4c2e
  Additional Information 4:	4c2e380f2c0a91b8d53e5db0a0893fcb


New Member
Hi guys.
I have this crash too, while enabling DesertKharon IRC chat. If I untick that "Source" the stream starts correctly.
My error message: Out of range! List<class SceneItem *>::operator[](5701633)
The crash report:
OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
http://www.obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll' module.

Fault address: 75287C72 (c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.625b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          4300  @ 1.80GHz

Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack    EIP      Arg0     Arg1     Arg2     Arg3     Address
0019EE00 75287C72 0DEAD0B5 00000001 00000000 00000000 kernelbase.dll!0x75287c72
0019EE58 69AE83DF 01358408 0723EE10 00570001 00000001 obsapi.dll!DumpError+0xbf
0019EE8C 012C25D0 00000000 75F0441B 0019F0C0 012E2596 obs.exe!OBS::Start+0x1170
0019EFA0 012C0E37 0019F13C 00000111 00388258 74054E08 obs.exe!OBS::ToggleCapturing+0x37
0019EFB0 012E2596 000D06F8 00000111 00001396 000E06FC obs.exe!OBS::OBSProc+0xc46
0019F0C8 75EEC4E7 012E1950 000D06F8 00000111 00001396 user32.dll!0x75eec4e7
0019F0F4 75EEC5E7 00000000 012E1950 000D06F8 00000111 user32.dll!0x75eec5e7
0019F16C 75EE5294 006B3FE0 006BADA0 00001396 000E06FC user32.dll!0x75ee5294
0019F1AC 75EE5582 000D06F8 00000111 00001396 000E06FC user32.dll!0x75ee5582
0019F1CC 740D4601 00388318 00000000 000E06FC 00388318 comctl32.dll!0x740d4601
0019F1EC 740D4663 54010001 00000001 0019F2DC 00000202 comctl32.dll!0x740d4663
0019F208 740D44ED 000E06FC 00000202 00000000 00020019 comctl32.dll!0x740d44ed
0019F268 75EEC4E7 7405B495 000E06FC 00000202 00000000 user32.dll!0x75eec4e7
0019F294 75EEC5E7 00000000 7405B495 000E06FC 00000202 user32.dll!0x75eec5e7
0019F30C 75EECC19 7405B495 00000000 0019F398 75EE41EB user32.dll!0x75eecc19
0019F36C 75EECC70 0019F434 14880265 75EECDE8 75EE64C7 user32.dll!0x75eecc70
0019F37C 75EE41EB 000D06F8 006BA628 00000000 00000001 user32.dll!0x75ee41eb
0019F3A0 012B6000 01270000 00000000 00352477 00000001 obs.exe!WinMain+0x8d0
0019F868 012FECFA 7FFD4000 0019F8F8 76E93841 7FFD4000 obs.exe!__tmainCRTStartup+0xfd
0019F8B4 755BED4C 7FFD4000 777FD366 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x755bed4c
0019F8C0 76E93841 012FEBF3 7FFD4000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x76e93841
0019F900 76E93814 012FEBF3 7FFD4000 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x76e93814

A minidump was saved to C:\Users\dani\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2014-07-08_5.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.

List of loaded modules:
Base Address      Module

The dump file: http://ge.tt/3nGkybn1/v/0?c


Forum Admin
This would suggest the plugin is the cause of the problem. Unfortunately we can only offer support for OBS itself and not any 3rd party plugins.