OBS conflicts with Little Snitch - Lag and Frame Drops


New Member
This is not a question but a report:

I was setting up a 24/7 live stream during the last week, and had repeated problems with the stream starting to lag. I couldn't find out what the problem was for some days. As I'm using a very fast connection and a powerful workstation to stream nothing more than two webcams and one SD video, I was at first guessing OBS simply doesn't like to stream 24 hours in a row.

Now finally I found out that the request windows of little snitch (the ones that ask you if you want to allow a connection or not) will cause OBS to lag - even if the requests don't have anything to do with OBS itself. You can solve that problem by deactivating little snitch or simply put it into silent mode.

Maybe somebody who has this problem too will find this report to be helpful.
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