Bug Report OBS command line parameters seem to be ignored


New Member
On Windows 10 (Lenovo Thinkpad), when starting obs64.exe with cli parameters (like -h, --version etc.) nothing happens: OBS does not start and the command is ignored. When running just obs64.exe it starts correctly in the default mode. When running obs64.exe -ldkfg the cli parameter is (correctly) ignored and obs starts in default mode. Tried in Admin mode

Is it an issue only with x64? I was hoping to use the cmd parameters to script test recordings.


Active Member
It's working correctly, you only miss one small thing.

If you give an invalid command line parameter (-asdfasdf), OBS ignores it and starts regularly.
If you give a command line parameter that instructs OBS to do something (--startrecording), OBS will do this something.
If you give a command line parameter that makes OBS output something and terminate (-h, --version), OBS will output something and terminate. You might not see the output, because that's not some dialog window but a text output instead. You have to start a command line (cmd.exe) and redirect the output to a text file like this: "obs --help > d:\temp\obs.txt"

For convenience, -h outputs this help:
--help, -h: Get list of available commands. --startstreaming: Automatically start streaming. --startrecording: Automatically start recording. --startreplaybuffer: Start replay buffer. --collection <string>: Use specific scene collection. --profile <string>: Use specific profile. --scene <string>: Start with specific scene. --studio-mode: Enable studio mode. --minimize-to-tray: Minimize to system tray. --portable, -p: Use portable mode. --multi, -m: Don't warn when launching multiple instances. --verbose: Make log more verbose. --always-on-top: Start in 'always on top' mode. --unfiltered_log: Make log unfiltered. --allow-opengl: Allow OpenGL on Windows. --version, -V: Get current version.