Question / Help OBS causing PCSX2 to lose FPS


New Member
So when I run OBS with my PCSX2 emulator it's relatively fine up until certain points in the game. The game in particular where I noticed OBS started to affect the PCSX2 was Persona 4 in the Shadow Yukiko fight. Up until then it hadn't slowed down for me. I tried messing with every setting I could with the emulator to no avail, but the second I stop streaming with OBS it runs just fine.

My specs are:
CPU - Intel Core i5 3330 Processor 3.00Ghz
GPU - Nvidia GeForece GT 620 2gigs of vram
RAM - 8gigs of DDR3

If someone has a solution to this I'd be very appreciative. If there is none, that's fine, I was just curious.


Town drunk
My memory on PCSX2 compatibility is rusty, but isn't Persona 4 one of the more demanding games? Anyway, you're emulating a console, which is already fairly demanding on your system, then streaming on top of that, which is VERY demanding on a system. And with that GPU, if you are using any sort of heavy upscaling you will be overtaxing it, PCSX2 and OBS will be fighting for GPU power basically. Consider downscaling more in OBS, enabling some more speed hacks in PCSX2, and try native res in the GSDX plugin.