Obs bug render color


New Member
hello everyone, excuse me for disturbing you, my rendering colors obs have a bug, some colors are different than on the pre-rendering available on obs, the colors can be paler (like pink / purple) or fatter (like red). I tested a LOT of things to fix this bug but nothing if you have any ideas please help me. I now if you see the screens you can say me "it's barely visible" or "it's not garve", but in record it really shows and it's really disturbing.

pre rendering obs (good colors) : https://ibb.co/cTy0Fnp

screen of the video render (bad colors) : https://ibb.co/q0hGbWp

other screens
good colors : https://ibb.co/JRTFdfm
bad colors : https://ibb.co/vHqNp0F