Question / Help OBS Blackin screeing when i alt tab from League of Legends


New Member
I will be trying to stream and ill be playing a game of League ill alt tab to check chat and the screen goes black for 5+ seconds. Then it goes to regular. Ive noticed that it cuts the recording. Its really annoying and i would like to know of a fix. Also when i use monitor capture it doesnt show league it only shows my screen and when league starts it just goes black on the stream and all you can see is the league cursor. So i have to use video gae capture and when i alt tab out of videogame capture it freezes league kinda so it freezes on stream. If you can help me with any of these problems ill appreciate it very much :D


Re: OBS Blackin screeing when i alt tab from League of Legen

Two things:
  • Please post a log file of a session that misbehaved, here's how -- viewtopic.php?f=5&t=97
  • The ideal way to stream LoL is the following:
    • Grab this plugin for OBS -- viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1785
    • Set up 2 scenes:
      • A Monitor/Window Capture for LoL's main window (when outside of a match)
      • A Game Capture for its game window (during a match)
    • The scene switcher should let you switch automatically between the 2. You don't want to use Monitor Capture to capture the match, it's a pain on performance.


Re: OBS Blackin screeing when i alt tab from League of Legen

Installing that particular plugin is a matter of simply extracting the archive and copying the contents to the plugin subfolder of OBS. Within the archive you'll find 2 subfolders, one for 32 bit OBS and one for 64 bit OBS. Go into the one applicable to your OBS (32-bit in your case) and copy the file you find there to the plugins folder of OBS. Without OBS running, obviously.

Then, restart OBS and you should find the Scene Switcher in Settings, iirc. Not using it myself, so, not 100% sure. Just 99.97%. ;)


New Member
Re: OBS Blackin screeing when i alt tab from League of Legen

NM i got is on OBS :D thanks and do you have any clue about the random blackouts sometimes when i alt tab D:?


New Member
Re: OBS Blackin screeing when i alt tab from League of Legen

I am having a problem trying to get the sources to show up on the plug in on the left if thats whats supposed to be showing up D:


Re: OBS Blackin screeing when i alt tab from League of Legen

Read the plugin's topic for more information on how exactly to use it and troubleshooting it.