Question / Help OBS Audio out of sync after updating


New Member
so before the update on the 29th (i updated today, august 1st) EVERYTHING WAS FINE! but now, OBS YOU MESSED UP! ok so after updating when i stream the audio is so out of sync. I switched to some really old version and guess what, THE AUDIO WAS FINE! so why is this v0.658b messing up my audio? for example: when i shoot while streaming csgo, the stream hears the bullet first than the animation of the weapon. the audio is ahead of the stream and i REALLY just want to go back to the version BEFORE this cancerous 0.658b
ples help. I want to stream but not have the audio messed up. also, i've tried "force desktop audio to use videotimestamps" and it didnt fix anything


Forum Moderator
There are some issues with NVENC support in 0.658b. Ideally you should switch to OBS Studio since Classic is no longer in active development, though if you really want you can roll back to 0.657b while you wait for a fix, or use a different encoder like x264 or jackun's VCE build.


New Member
There are some issues with NVENC support in 0.658b. Ideally you should switch to OBS Studio since Classic is no longer in active development, though if you really want you can roll back to 0.657b while you wait for a fix, or use a different encoder like x264 or jackun's VCE build.

Я тоже столкнулся с этой проблемой. Сначала идет ЗВУК выстрела (играю в World of Tanks), и только после этого - Видео. Отставание примерно на 2 секунды. В старых версиях такого не было.
А по поводу OBS Studio - мне лично она не нравится. Неудобная. Да и профили и набор сцен не ИМПОРТИРУЕШЬ.

Так что, теперь обычная версия OBS - не будет обновляться и поддерживаться, и вы ТАК подталкиваете людей к НЕУДОБНОЙ OBS STUDIO?! Что-то мне подсказывает, что в Вашу команду разработки, пробрался лазутчик из Xsplit!

ENG. TEXT: (Google Translate)
I also encountered this problem. First comes the sound of a shot (I play World of Tanks), and only then - Video. Backlog of approximately 2 seconds. this was not in older versions.
And about the OBS Studio - I personally do not like it. Inconvenient. And a set of profiles and scenes not IMPORTIRUESH.

So now the regular version OBS - will not be updated and maintained, and so you have to push people to the uncomfortable OBS STUDIO ?! Something tells me that your development team, made his way from scout Xsplit!


Forum Moderator
What problems do you have with OBS Studio? Saying it's "uncomfortable" doesn't explain anything. It's still completely free and will remain so.


New Member
I have the same problem, and it's really sad. The recordings/streams start slowed down and it lasts ~ 2 seconds and then desync lasts for hours on. :(

Also, what was the last version with proper NVENC support?



Forum Moderator
0.657b should have working NVENC support but will have major performance issues with game capture and DX9 games (0.658b has this issue again in Windows 10 due to the anniversary update). Please consider moving to Studio.


New Member
Nah, i tried it too but it didn't really worked out for me. It was way more adjustable i'd say, but after all I still prefer "The Classic" version. Maybe someday I'll switch to Studio idk.


Forum Moderator
"It didn't really work out" is also incredibly vague. You are of course free to use whichever one you want but these types of problems will only become more prevalent.


New Member
"It didn't really work out" is also incredibly vague. You are of course free to use whichever one you want but these types of problems will only become more prevalent.

Ясно. Проблема есть - но решать не хотят! Лично для меня в OBS STUDIO - не привычный интерфейс, и слишком громоздкие настройки. Мне привычнее OBS Classic. Что же - если проблема не решится - буду думать о переходе на OBS STUDIO, или вовсе перейду на Xsplit. А пока - OBS Classic 0.657b - One Love!