Question / Help OBS - Audio Delay, Recurring Issue.

OBS is really weird, whenever I start streaming, my audio gets delayed randomly during stream by a couple seconds! So my lips don't match my voice. The weirdest part is that it can go back to normal during the same stream without me changing any settings...

So explain OBS Staff, Why does this program lag my audio without me changing any settings and happens during my stream!?

I just don't understand. I always have to reset my obs because of this.

I even tried ticking Force desktop audio to use video timestamps and it still has delay... Seems like OBS has too many problems. I just want to have a nice clean cast.

Here is my channel just to know that I'm serious -

Might be switching to Xsplit if this keeps up, I have had nothing but problems since I started using OBS. Xsplit uses more resources but is a lot more stable and doesn't lag audio.

Hope this gets fixed for my cast tomorrow.
