Question / Help OBS and Twitch Alert interactions


New Member
Howdy all.

First and foremost, it has been awesome to learn all about this streaming stuff. Thanks for an awesome bit of software to help people be creative.

To the problem... I know I had the Twitch Alerts working a-ok before. I can't give you a date or version numbers of OBS, but I know it was fine.

As of right now, all I seem to be getting is a "displaced" square of real estate where the Follower Alerts would appear on my stream, but the kicker being; no one sees the follow alert, but we hear the mp3.

I stream a combo of Rust and Terraria at the moment. I have tried Rust full screen and windowed. I have re added the window capture of the alert several times. I have googled the heck out of this issue and have watched the howto's on adding the alert to my stream, multiple times, to see if I was being a goof and missing something easy.

I am convinced there is something wrong now, but I don't know what it is, and what my next course of troubleshooting should be.

As long as I am not in the game itself, have the widget window open and I can see the preview or the stream via OBS, it works great. Once I switch into game, I get this weird transparent displacement, no visuals, only sound when someone follows.

Cheers for reading,



Active Member
By Reading it looks like you are using a Window Capture to Capture the Alert Box? There is an easier way by using CLR Browser Plugin, all you have to do is open Twitch Alerts or look at the OBS Window on your 2nd Monitor


New Member
By Reading it looks like you are using a Window Capture to Capture the Alert Box?

This is correct.

I don't have a 2nd monitor, this was all working previously. The old version of CLR doesn't seem to mesh well with the new version of OBS. I didn't have to use CLR in the first place.

Am I better off trying to roll back OBS to a version that works with CLR?