Question / Help OBS and Spotify


New Member
Hello there. I'm a new streamer, and therefore I don't have much experience with OBS.

The problem I'm having is that, OBS doesn't register the music coming from Spotify due to the fact that Spotify plays out of my WAVE audio device, rather than my speakers. I've attached some photos of my settings, and I have tried fumbling around with it, however, I can't seem to get it to work. I want to be able to use both my microphone and make the music on Spotify come out aswell. <- the photos

Hope anyone has an answer to it.


EDIT: Spelling.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
A known issue, though I'm not entirely sure what to do about it yet. If there's a way to make it so it plays out of your audio device normally, that would be the best option, but I don't have spotify yet and haven't really had time to really investigate further for such options -- if there's anyone else around perhaps they might be able to shed some light on the matter, did a forum search turn up anything useful? I'm not entirely sure if someone has figured that out or not, I can't really remember now


Active Member
I'd also recommend a bit of caution; unless you have a rebroadcasting license, by US law at least, it's not actually legal to play copyrighted music on a livestream, regardless of the originating service. Spotify, Pandora, Grooveshark, YouTube, doesn't matter.

It's true that many streamers do it, and none have been sued. Yet.


FerretBomb said:
I'd also recommend a bit of caution; unless you have a rebroadcasting license, by US law at least, it's not actually legal to play copyrighted music on a livestream, regardless of the originating service. Spotify, Pandora, Grooveshark, YouTube, doesn't matter.

It's true that many streamers do it, and none have been sued. Yet.
Well, you cannot be sued if you're actually paying for the music (like with Spotify). It's probably the cause with the other services tho.


Town drunk
Yes, you absolutely can. Paying for personal use is NOT the same as being allowed to broadcast.


Active Member
Dajova said:
Well, you cannot be sued if you're actually paying for the music (like with Spotify). It's probably the cause with the other services tho.
Uh... yes. Yes, you can be sued. Most definitely, without question or hesitation.

And if you think that the lawsuits when it came to piracy were insane in their settlement/awards demands, take a look at what happens when a public performance of a copyrighted track occurs. And add about three or four zeroes to the end of those demands.

Paying for a personal-use service like Spotify does not grant you a public-performance license (which a livestream absolutely is) or a rebroadcasting license (which it absolutely would need as well); hell, a local pizza shop was using Pandora One (their paid service) and ended up in a shedload of legal trouble. Ended up settling from what the server told me, and just THAT almost put them entirely out of business. Spotify is under the same umbrella.

Don't go by what some random person on the internet told you.
Don't assume that it's safe because everyone is doing it.
Do the research into what your legal obligations are, any exposure you may have, and the protections which are afforded to you.
Because when (not if) livestreaming gets to be a large enough market to attract that kind of serious MAFIAA attention... they really aren't the kind to let a single dollar get away.


Town drunk
Having said that, EU rules are pretty different from what I understand.

Either way, this discussion is getting a bit out of the scope of the original topic. We should probably get back on track.