Question / Help OBS and PNG and GIF


New Member
Hi there,

*Im aware that OBS for mac isnt fully ready yet*

When i use a *png, the transparant parts become white.
Also, when i want to use a .GiF it shows only the first static frame of the Gif

Is there anything i could try on my side to fix it or are these known bugs? :)
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
that definitely shouldn't be happening. Could you see if other sources in your scene are affecting it? If so then it's probably our fault.

For example, Try it in a scene with just the PNG image present as a source.


New Member
Yeah I still get a white area for the transparent part of the PNG even if it's the only thing in my scene.


New Member
What version of OBS for Mac are you using?
I have updated my OBS to 0.6.4 and it seems it solved the problem with the *.PNG , thanks for that.

The problem with the *.gif remains. It shows only the first frame of the animation.

And thumbs up for the development of the OBS version for mac, really appreciate all the hard work :)


New Member
The .gif files are still just showing first frame, .png works perfectly for me though. By the way, back in august you mentioned that the final version of OBS for mac was close, and it would finally give us text-scrolling(by far one of the most important features imo). When will that be?

And thanks for making such an awesome program!!


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
For animated gifs, I'll be adding a video source at some point that should be able to play animated gifs (as well as many other formats/links/etc). Hold out until then if you're able.