Thread 49E8: (Crashed)
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
000000000288FA98 0000000200300030 0000000000000000 000000000288FA70 0000CDB508D07FBE 0000000000000000 <unknown>!0x200300030
000000000288FAA0 00007FFA6FF08CF6 00000000000018CC 000000000635C078 0000000000000000 00007FFA75FD507D mmdevapi.dll!Ordinal14+0x1df66
Some threads on this forum and other sources (like reddit) says that this issue likely caused by plugin "win-capture-audio.dll", that adds functionality similar to
Application Audio Capture (Beta) source of OBS. Try to remove the plugin. You may run OBS "safe mode", where all external plugins disabled (special cmdline key:
) for test purposes.
These assumptions based on the next info: the crashed thread has traces of multimedia device api usage - the "mmdevapi.dll" file - it is part of the OS and used for audio processing, it can be sound from any device in your PC.