OBS 31.0.1 not displaying more than one Irium Source (both cells are on the PRO version)


New Member
Greetings, everyone. I recently bought the PRO versions of Irium to use in OBS. But when I try to add a new video source (e.g., creating a new science), OBS just displays the "Irium 0000" source as the sole option, and I can't find the "Irium 0002" or anything that would differentiate two different cell phones.
I can switch the cell phones in the Irium app itself, and then OBS recognizes it and changes, but not as a different scene. Because of that, the transitions between the sources are harsh. On Windows, I verified that it is possible to choose a different phone as Irium #1 and # 2 are limited to four different phones.
Am I doing something wrong?
I am setting both phones at 1920X1080.
Any thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated.

Operating System: Linux Mint, OBS version 31.0.1


Active Member
You don't need a paid app for this.

There are lots of free things that send the phone's camera as a network stream for something else to pick up. One of those things is OBS's browser source. Do your troubleshooting with a regular browser, and when that works, put the URL that the regular browser ended up with, into OBS's browser. It'll probably "just work".

I like this one, but like I said, there are lots more:
It has ads, but only on the phone screen and not on the camera. Since I leave the phone unattended, that's perfectly fine with me.

And, once installed, it no longer needs internet at all. Not even to set up. So I can use it in the boonies or wherever, with only a local network that I set up with no connection to the outside world, and be just fine.
Another popular one requires everything to log into its cloud server, which then tells them all how to talk to each other. At that point, you don't need internet anymore, but you do to set it up. This one doesn't even need that. Just point a browser to the URL on the phone screen, which goes directly to the phone itself, and go from there.

Each phone uses its own separate connection to its own browser source, so you can do anything with that that OBS does.

If the phone app isn't running when OBS starts, you'll need to refresh the browser source after starting the app and server. It doesn't do that automatically.


New Member
Thank you so much for your quick response and suggestions. I do appreciate it and I will also try it. As I have also bought the app, I am really curious and interested to know how get this issue fixed, because I do know it works in Windows and Mac OS. For awhile, I will learn how to use IP WebCam until I find a solution (or not) for it.


New Member
Hello everyone,

Just a note to let y'all know that I have emailed the company about the issue.
They quickly repplied and sent me the following instructions:

"Linux drivers officially support only one camera. However if you would
like to try multicam you can edit
/etc/modprobe.d/iriunwebcam-options.conf to start more cameras. Change
'devices=1' to 'devices=4' and restart your PC.

The microphone is still working with the first camera only.

Best Regards,
Iriun Support"

I followed the instructions and now the multicam view appears.

I hope this helps, and also like to change the topic to "SOLVED" but I did not find a way to do it.
I will try it this week and I'll keep you in the loop in case if it works or not

Again, thanks


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