Bug Report OBS 22.0.1 - Multiple Bug Report (Font style & size, Visibility & Lock icon, Filter preview)


I got to try OBS 22.0.1 on three macs and here are some bugs I encountered on all machines

1. Unable to change font style and sizes on text sources
2. The visibility (eye) & lock icon at the right side of a source name disappears when the name is long enough to overlap the icons.
- renaming it to a shorter name will not immediately solve the problem until you change the order (layer) of the objects using the "^" or "v" buttons.
- renaming a source name to a longer one might not show the problem until you change the order (layer)
3. When a filter is selected inside the FILTER window config, the preview is so small yet there is a large space at the bottom of the window.

Old bugs
Show / Upload crash reports not working - (failed to read logfile)
Multiview fullscreen from menu not working / submenu not showing
Tray icon doesn't show the context menu


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Active Member
Can confirm, cannot change typeface and size on text sources in 22.0.1 and MacOS Sierra 10.12.6.

Existing sources that had custom fonts applied still work, but new sources remain default Helvetica.


Forum Moderator
Community Helper
Hi there, sorry about the issues.

1) We were able to confirm this bug and it's now pending testing and merging. You can watch the status here.
2) This is a new one - I will ask ask around and see if it's reproducible/fixable. This is caused by a rework to the Sources list so that we could add support for Groups. In the meantime, you may shorten the names or widen the sources panel after unlocking the UI using View -> Docks -> Lock UI.
3) This issue has been confirmed, but no fix is currently in development. I will see what can be done, as it's a bug on all platforms.

I will also ask about the old bugs you've mentioned.

Thank you for the detailed report with screenshots! These are invaluable, especially during the early days of a new release.