OBS 14.2 NVENC lossless not able to start recording

Hey there,

just tried to try the new lossess nvenc mod.

it wont start recording with this error:

09:23:01.186: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
09:23:01.186: rate_control: lossless
09:23:01.186: bitrate: 0
09:23:01.186: cqp: 0
09:23:01.186: keyint: 250
09:23:01.186: preset: default
09:23:01.186: profile: high444p
09:23:01.186: level: auto
09:23:01.186: width: 2048
09:23:01.186: height: 1152
09:23:01.186: 2-pass: false
09:23:01.186: GPU: 0
09:23:01.319: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] Failed to open NVENC codec: Invalid argument

I havte GTX970 it should support lossless mode.



Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
It seems I might have messed up with the DLLs. This is my fault. I'll fix it and patch it (though I may just overwrite the downloads)


New Member
Hey, just ran into the same problem and wanted to ask when and were to get the fix, kinda new to this ^^
love your work btw, great programm.