Question / Help OBS 0.557 causing encoding issues


New Member

I just installed the new 0.557b update, and it's caused my streaming to freeze up completely. For some reason, the encoder can't do it's thing.

Here's the 0.557b log:

Perhaps the most notable thing is this:
Number of frames skipped due to encoder lag: 2945 (65.27%)
I ran it through a few 10 minute test runs, and this is the smallest number of frames skipped I encountered. The percentage was as high as 96%.

I put up a 0.554b log as well for comparison:

I used to be able to stream just fine on the 0.554b, but I can't revert to a version that would have the Stockholm server available as the installer doesn't have it and it no longer offers the update. (It's my closest server, and the rest are indeed a tad too far, giving hellish network lag more often than not.)

I hope this is just some brainfart of mine.


Forum Admin
0.554 silently throws frames away if your settings are too high for your CPU. 0.557 warns you about it. You need to lower your resolution and/or FPS. Honestly you aren't going to be able to do much streaming on such an old CPU.


Community Helper
From your 0.554 log:
Total frames rendered: 53661, number of late frames: 26168 (48.77%)
So it's still happening on 0.554. The difference is that now OBS is actually telling you about it now in 0.57. Actually, the latest version is 0.571, so make sure you get that.

The problem is that you are trying to encode at too high of a resolution for your processor. Dual cores are very bad for livestreaming. Try downscaling by at least 2x, lower framerate to 25fps, and maybe change x264 preset to superfast or ultrafast.

Also your bit rate is absurdly low. Anything you stream will look like a blurry mess...are you sure you can stream alright?