Bug Report OBS 0.13.1-rc1 Audio Issue


It is late for me so I will post some brief info and a log and look more into it tomorrow.

Trying the last 0.13.1-rc1 and have a new issue I have never had before. 0.13.0 crashed for me on scene changes, but this newer version has a weird audio bug.

I was doing a local recording using my normal settings. But no game audio was recorded. I had audio output showing on the mixer while recording. (didn't realize the recording had no audio until the below problem occurred and I went back and watched the local recording).

I also did a test stream to YouTube gaming with the new OBS rc.

I was streaming and was being told there was no game audio. But the mixer was bouncing around all happy with my game audio. But nothing was going out to stream.

I switched to a scene that had a video file source. That played and audio went to stream. Came back to game capture scene, and no game audio. Again mixer still showing active audio.

I then hit the "start recording" button and figured I would grab a little recording (stream was still going). Soon as I did that the stream got audio and I stopped the recording and had audio for the rest of the stream.

Attached is my log of that. I started testing the Division and then switched to H1Z1, found out neither had audio on stream. I then started and stopped local recording while in H1Z1, got audio to stream, played it and some other games and that whole test stream had audio from that local recording point onward.


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The log is one session where all I described occurred.

It starts with my local recording of Binding of Isaac. Where I had no audio for the entire recording. (didn't stream it). Had no idea audio didn't record since I saw audio on the OBS mixer.

Then the log has info from when I started the test stream of The Division, switched to h1z1 (while still streaming), started a local recording (while still streaming), saw that audio was now going out to stream, stopped local recording (while still streaming). Then switched to 3 other games all while streaming.

So that one log contains everything. I never closed OBS.


Active Member
It did give an error in that log:

03:40:02.250: [WASAPISource::TryInitialize]:[Speakers (BEHRINGER USB WDM AUDIO 2.8.40)] Failed to get initialize audio client: 8889000A

That error code means the device was in use.


That device is not my default output device. My default device is a vb-audio's device. vb then sends that audio to my built in sound card (my headphone), and the behringer device for a second set of headphones.

No other program uses that behringer device. It is literally just so a second person here can listen to the gameplay and mumble/teamspeak etc.

Regardless OBS fixed itself when I started and stopped the local recording while streaming. So if it was the behringer device, starting and stopping the local recording WHILE streaming fixed it somehow. Have had no problems with this setup before with either old OBS or OBS MP. No problems with MP before this too. Just the occasional crash when switching scenes with the 0.13.0 release.

I will try to reproduce it further tonight.


New Member
I seem to be having a similar issue.

Worth noting that I was using 32 bit, switched to 64 bit, and music I was playing through Spotify started working. The moment I opened up CS:GO, all audio but my mic ceased to work.

Log attached.


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This is happening to me too. I switched to the 32-bit version and it started working, then stopped again after a few hours. My stream audience tells me the game audio through Elgato doesn't come through even though it's bouncing around on the mixer and I hear it in my headset. There is also no Elgato game audio on my local recordings.
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New Member
Can you guys try setting your audio device in options directly to your soundcard and mic instead of default and check again?
That doesn't solve it. I had my audio set manually to non-default headphones after I first saw this problem. It still happened during 3 hours of streaming and wouldn't restart ever on its own.


New Member
Windows Media Player does not play audio from recorded mp4 Video file - but VLC can play audio from this file. Sound works only in both players when recorded with custom Output (ffmpeg) instead of Standard.


This issue I reported has nothing to do with what player you use. OBS just doesn't record OR stream the desktop audio sometimes, even though it shows activity in the desktop audio mixer graph nothing goes out to viewers watching the live stream or the recording. Microphone works fine, and say a video being played as a media source. Just no desktop audio being recorded. I fell back to 0.12.3 for now and have no issues. Hoping for a fix cause I like some other features the 0.13.1 branch has.

I am sure Jim and all will fix in next RC