NVENC remove CQP '0' value


Ok I've tested a lot with quality settings with nvenc.

I found out thatCQP 0 is mutch worse quality than 1. ('0' has a max bitrate of 100K where '1' went up to 500K with 2560x1440@60fps in The Forest)
so 1 is the best quality, 50 the worst (as usual) but 0 seems to be something like "auto".

in the old nvenc encoder (media foundation) 0 was the best quality.

so i would recommend to remove 0 as value and set 1 as the lowest possible value.

i would go for lossless but because of a bug in latest premiere cc its not possible to use lossless for me for now.



Did you set nvenc in ffmpeg?

I wan't lossless video and audio,so I use ffmpeg mkv flac,but I don't how to set nvenc~