I am having the issue of NVENC not working and OBS needs to fix it as it is a bug in OBS coding.
"Failed to open NVENC codec: Function not implemented
Please check your video drivers are up to date"
The auto-config wizard completes the task successfully using NVENC without any issues on a Linux laptop. The setup guide even recommends NVENC. However, when I start streaming after the auto-config completes then the program fails to load NVENC.
I am using a laptop running permanent dedicated graphics using optimus-manager. My window manager is also running nvidia.
I have attached my log, maybe someone here can figure this out for me.
I refuse to use CPU encoding as it bogs down my computer and my dedicated card is not just for show.
Please OBS this has been a bug for years going by forum posts.
"Failed to open NVENC codec: Function not implemented
Please check your video drivers are up to date"
The auto-config wizard completes the task successfully using NVENC without any issues on a Linux laptop. The setup guide even recommends NVENC. However, when I start streaming after the auto-config completes then the program fails to load NVENC.
I am using a laptop running permanent dedicated graphics using optimus-manager. My window manager is also running nvidia.

01:36:36.975: Using EGL/X1101:36:36.975: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ - Pastebin.com
Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
I have attached my log, maybe someone here can figure this out for me.
I refuse to use CPU encoding as it bogs down my computer and my dedicated card is not just for show.
Please OBS this has been a bug for years going by forum posts.