NVENC not working


New Member
I am having the issue of NVENC not working and OBS needs to fix it as it is a bug in OBS coding.

"Failed to open NVENC codec: Function not implemented
Please check your video drivers are up to date"

The auto-config wizard completes the task successfully using NVENC without any issues on a Linux laptop. The setup guide even recommends NVENC. However, when I start streaming after the auto-config completes then the program fails to load NVENC.

I am using a laptop running permanent dedicated graphics using optimus-manager. My window manager is also running nvidia.


I have attached my log, maybe someone here can figure this out for me.

I refuse to use CPU encoding as it bogs down my computer and my dedicated card is not just for show.
Please OBS this has been a bug for years going by forum posts.


Active Member
I was about to just post this and leave, because it's so common and people just don't search before asking the same question again:
But you actually have a different problem.

THIS is your problem:
and later in the same thread, how I solved it:

Essentially, either you don't have a new enough driver (try 470 or higher), or your version of FFMPEG (which is not a part of OBS) doesn't know to use it. For FFMPEG:
but try the driver first.

According to the log, it looks to me like the wizard never touched NVENC. It's entirely focused on x264, which is the CPU encoder. That kinda makes sense to me, since the GPU hardware is designed to "just do its job" and every combination of its settings works. (that doesn't immediately produce an error message like the first link above) So the only thing that makes sense for the wizard to play with is the CPU one.
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