Question / Help NVENC + GeForce Experience in OBS Studio


New Member
Even if there were, you'd still need to encode it.
So my great cunning play isn't possible in any way? That's sad, cause GFE's output has way better quality than OBS.

Also try to increase B-frames to 2 and uncheck Enforce... option if you want to use keys at intervals 2 sec (or this settings forced: Local recording not using stream encoder during "automatically record").
Спасибо за совет. Tried it and had no good results at all in OBS ~0.16.

Like that, correct?

For some reason i get up to 60% dropped frames when this setting is active. Video is GTX960.


is the GFE video a local recording? if so, then the answer is obvious: GFE is using much higher bitrate, resulting in higher quality.


New Member
is the GFE video a local recording? if so, then the answer is obvious: GFE is using much higher bitrate, resulting in higher quality.
No. Both links are streams. With GFE quality is awesome, but no plugins, line controls, alerts and all the stuff of course. So i didn't switched yet.

Suslik V

Active Member


16:36:33.774: Output 'adv_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 1273 (50.7%)

You don't have an encode problem, you have a connection to Twitch problem.


New Member
You're dropping half your frames due to connection problems. It's right there in your log.
Interesting. Why i don't drop any when i don't have b-frames set to "2"? Twitch doesn't accept b-frames or something? Anyone streaming to Twitch using NVENC with b-frames set on with stable result?


New Member
Twitch Bandwidth Tester tool. Find it and try it.
Франкфурт кадры не дропал, но зрители говорили о том что подгружается непрерывно. С отключенными b-frames все ок. Почему так, хрен его знает.

Вообще основной, нетестовый стрим идет через рестрим.ио, сразу на четыре канала, видимо придется пока отказаться от использования этой настройки. Идеальное качество дает GFE, благодаря каким-то внутренним нвидивским мегаалгоритмам видимо, но там нет ни алертов, ни плагинов, ничего. Захватить и использовать его поток, я так понял, нельзя. Нет в жизни счастья, короче.

В идеале, конечно бы, не бодаться с энвенком, но софтовый кодек проц не вытягивает, все становится раком. Вообще меня удивило дико, что есть какая-то зависимость во время стрима от локального кодирования. Как это возможно, мне решительно непонятно.

Test result:
Frankfurt didn't dropped frames, but for some reason were stuttering for viewers, when b-frames set to "2". Unchecked it for now.

Result with b-frames "2". Only 11 minutes, then restarted with stable config.

Suslik V

Active Member
Also, you can try Quick Sync (if motherboard support this, and in bios you have an option to enable Intel integrated video card).

Suslik V

Active Member
And if you stream with x264 (where b-frames enabled, CPU preset lower than ultrafast), still buffering to viewers?!