Question / Help Not sure what to do with my settings..triggered and need help. Stuttering/lag


New Member
I got a new PC just to stream


gtx 1080


and I can't stream 1080p60fps, which I don't really mind. I'll stream at 720p60fps


The quality is not good..or up to par with what I want. I've tried setting the cpu present higher (lower) and mess with the bitrate and I can't get it to not stutter on stream when the cpu present is on slow or slower.

The lower the cpu preset the better quality or am I wrong?

Right now I stabled the stream to 4000 bitrate, and cpu preset to fast.

Now, I have no clue about any of this crap tbh. But from what I do now, isn't the cpu preset based off how good your CPU is LOL. I have an 8700k, why cant I use slower preset? Is it the bitrate? I've tried from 2000 to 5000, a bunch of different bitrates and it ends up stuttering/lagging hardcore on my stream for other people. Even when I watch it myself it is terrible, and in vods as well. What am I doing wrong?

If you need any information let me know. I'll respond quick


New Member
Sorry, I'll try to upload that one again.

This one I just did, the Slower preset is where my quality is what I want but it stutter/lags really badly. What bitrate do I need to have?

Is my 8700k really not enough for slower preset??


Active Member
You're probably going to want 5000kbit at medium. You're getting very consistent overloads at slow and slower.