Not Happy with new version of OBS


New Member
it looks awful, I don't see my Video card anymore. So I just install the last one before the update on the same version. Multiplatfourm why is it so different.


Community Helper
The video card dropdown isn't working yet, that is a known issue. Can you be more specific with the things about it that you don't like? When you say it looks awful, what do you mean?


New Member
The one thing I cannot do is resize the window to where I want it so it just shows the video not the whole video player, normal OBS is better, other wise I'd try it out so mention this to the developers

The Normal OBS when I select Window Capture select "sub-region" it white screens the Video player so I can resize the way I want it to be

Screenshot of sub-region that I setup
Screenshot of how I was able to resize it for streaming

The Multiplatform just gives a whole window of the video player I use, plus it is way to big in the window it shows that it had captured it I can move it around but I cannot resize it.

Why release something that really still is in Beta, video card does not show, Window capture is not true to my specs that I want.

this is a screen shot of what I mean sure there are the red corner markers but that does nothing but move the screen around nothing to with getting the window sized so I can stream it normally

If I missed something on the Multiplatform please tell me. Thanks. Just email me OK!!!


Community Helper
You can add a crop filter to any source to crop it to the size you want by right-clicking on the source and going to Filters, and adding a crop filter. Then you can crop it to the size you want.

As for the sizing, a quick way to fix that is to press Ctrl+F to make the source take up the full OBS window size, which will make it fit. If you want pixel-perfect sizing/positioning, you can go to Edit > Transform > Edit Transform and modify the sizes there.

"Why release a beta?" To begin with, it's an alpha, and is still missing a number of features. We don't expect everyone to switch over right away. We have released what we have because many people need some of the features already offered that are not available in the original OBS (such as Mac/Linux support and encoded capture device support).

You're free to use the original OBS, but the best way see OBS Multiplatform improved is to make specific suggestions for improvements rather than simply saying you're not happy with it. Thanks for the feedback.
...We have released what we have because many people need some of the features already offered that are not available in the original OBS (such as Mac/Linux support and encoded capture device support).

Could you clarify what you mean with "encoded capture device"? You mean devices that deliver a stream already encoded (with h264) and need decoding before they can be used? Just so I'd better understand the feature set of the current implementation of OBS MP.


Encoded capture device just means - a videofeed from a capture card, that is already encoded before it hits OBS.


Yeah your old OBS can do it. But the OBS MP is not completed, call it early beta now. It works, but its missing some important features and also missing plugin support (that depends on the plugin developers if and when they release it).

For me its not an option because i need some stuff that the OBS MP cant give me, but now i know there is mostly 1 guy working on the project it, the development time makes sense.
If you can help out with the code? Feel free to join. Otherwise just provide feedback, specially logs (so its easier to make sure that a lot of different hardware is working fine and there are no drivers etc causing problems after the release) etc.
Constructive feedback means a lot to any developer, specially bugfixing is almost impossible without the data from the community - the developer simply cant afford to test every possible hardware and software combination that is avaliable. And a lot of people use OBS on anything they can find - from laptops and OSX/Linux based systems to highend X-99 systems with Windows10 in my case.


Community Helper
Specifically, an encoded capture device is a capture device that outputs encoded video to its Directshow device. This includes capture cards like the HD PVR and Roxio Game Capture. Elgato cards output decoded video to Directshow, so they aren't included in that list.


Brag about it :p

In most cases shiny new stuff will cause more problems than you will gain from the faster hardware or newest tools :-P Running win10 in the last month or so (waited for the heaviest bugs to be fixed) actually produced more pretty strange problems than i expected. Gonna do some youtube videos around some fresh bugs and post them in my thread, with logs, so maybe we can pin down the issue. You can do it too :-)