Question / Help Not getting 1080p

I mainly use OBS to record and not stream and I've been using it for a while. I've finally decided to make an effort to get my videos to 1080p because I think my videos look crappy. I changed my resolution to 1920x1080 which is what my monitor is. Now I have an issue of not being able to see everything in the window for OBS and in my recordings There is a huge black are and the actual recording is forced into the top left. I don't know what I did to cause this. Please help me. I believe my settings are set to the recommended for recording.

What my recordings normally look like (not for views):

What my recordings look like now:

Most recent log file is attached.


  • 2016-06-24-1817-21.log
    15.1 KB · Views: 13


Active Member
If you were using an old Base Resolution set lower than your monitor's resolution, and squashing everything down in the preview window to make it fit (instead of using your monitor's resolution and the Downscale option in the settings to downscale, which is the correct way) then all of your sources are still squashed. Activate preview, then right-click the source in the list, Position/Size->Reset (or just click on the element in the preview with Edit Scene enabled, and CTRL+R).

I'd recommend saving off your current setup as a new Scene Collection (at the top of the OBS window) so you can go back. But then again, you REALLY should be set up with your monitor's base res, and just downscale from there in Settings->Video->Resolution Downscale.