Question / Help Not able to stream bcs of 100% CPU usage


New Member
Hi there, im trying to stream csgo/h1z1 on twitch using obs studio but the stream is "freezing" (game is not smooth for viewers). I found that obs studio is using around 15-20% of cpu and games (csgo 60-70%, h1z1 80%!). My Conclusion is that when cpu reaches 100% of usage then the frame freezes. I think my setup should stream these games very nice with obs settings im using. Do you know about some hidden issue what could help me? Is it normal to have that huge usage of CPU? In the end I found NVENC better than x264 (its probably using more GPU? but what about quality?) and also Process priority High, after that is stream better but my game is laggy. Thanks for your help guys.

OBS settings
encoder: x264
rescale: 1280x720
bitrate: 2500
process priority: normal

PC Specs
Win 10 64gb
i5-4690k 3.50ghz
GTX 970

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