Question / Help Noob With Typical Bad Stream Quality Issues


New Member
As the title above says I am a scrub who is trying to stream but the quality comes out to be poo poo. I realized I was streaming in 1080 when I meant to go 720 but I don't think that's the only problem. Please and thank you


  • 2019-11-13 20-18-49.txt
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Active Member
Specifically addressing the quality, that is going to mostly be dependent on your resolution, framerate, and your bitrate. If you're streaming to twitch, the guideline is 6000kbps maximum (although in actual practice it's 8000kbps maximum before issues occur)... if your network can handle that upload speed, then there's not really much reason not to go for it, unless you're not getting transcoding on twitch.

For your resolution, just go to your video tab in settings and change your Output (scaled) resolution to 1280x720.

Other than that, you have minimal rendering and encoding lag, which is good. Something you can do is turn off psychovisual tuning in your recording encoding settings, as this uses GPU resources to assist in the encoding process.

Also, you have Game DVR and Background Recording both on, which means you're going to be constantly using one of your NVENC streams. If this is your intent for shadowplay recordings, then obviously keep doing what you're doing. But if not, then you may want to disable this to possibly reduce the rendering/encoding lag even further.


New Member
Hey Acoustic!,

I see according to your settings that you are both playing & streaming at a 1080p resolution but your bitrate is only set to 2000. You're gonna need to push the bit rate up to at least 6k if you can handle it otherwise adjust your Output (Scaled) Resolution down to 1280x720 which will give you a 720p stream and you can have a bit rate of 3000 but I'd try to push 3500 if your internet can handle it.

If you do decide to push the resolution down make sure to set Downscale Filter to Lanczos (Sharpend scaling, 36 samples).

I am also noticing in your settings you're using X264 which is your CPU doing all the encoding for the stream. If you go into your settings it should look something like this


Those are my settings and we have the same CPU but you have a better video card than I do. Depending on which game you are streaming you might have to change the "CPU Useage Preset" since the lower it is the more CPU OBS will use to encode so you can have a better quality stream. all the encoder settings for Twitch here.

Feel free to reply if ya need anything else.