Question / Help Noise Gate Plugin?

Eric Stork

Is there a better Noise Gate plugin for OBS Classic? The one from Studio works great so far but modifying the Settings in Classic, it removes the noise when I am not speaking but when speaking I still hear a hiss. Would be easier than some of the workarounds I see in videos.


Forum Moderator
Noise Gate is not for removing audio artifacts/hissing/etc., it's there to enable/disable the mic based on the volume of the input. Try using the Noise Suppression filter in Studio instead.

Eric Stork

While that had some effect, still have a slight one in Studio.
Also I was looking for something for Classic, not Studio.


Forum Moderator
Classic is no longer in development so you're not likely to find much there. If Studio's noise suppression filter doesn't work, you can't lower the device volume far enough that it doesn't hiss, and you don't have an alternate audio source like a decent sound card, you'll probably want to filter it externally, e.g. running it through Audition first.

Eric Stork

I found the DSP plugin here, seems to help with Classic though it has a couple of odd things.
Would be great if there was a Studio version.