Question / Help No Video Recorded During File Output Only Mode


New Member

I am a new OBS user, and have been trying to get the program to record my desktop and save the recording to a file using the "File Output Only" option found in the Broadcast Settings. When I start streaming, my desktop appears in the streaming window, and I can see myself moving my cursor, opening windows, games, etc. I record for about 30 seconds, and then I stop the stream. When I go look for the file, all I find is an .mp4 of the length that I streamed with audio, but no video! I am at a loss as to why this is.

Other than changing the "File Output Only", I have all the options set to their defaults. I tried playing with the base resolution settings to specify a monitor (even though the streaming window shows the correct monitor being recorded by default), but whenever I select the "monitor" bubble, hit apply and okay, and reopen the settings to check that they were applied, the setting has bounced back to "Custom".

For reference, I am running Windows 7 (64 bit) on an i7-3770K, 16 GB of RAM, and ~500 GB of empty space on the hard drive that the file output is being directed to. My gpu is a NVIDIA GTX 680.


EDIT: Attached a sample log file


  • logfileimage.JPG
    136 KB · Views: 68


Forum Admin
Your video player most likely doesn't support h264, try playing the file with VLC or something.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
If your media player does support h264 and is having problems playing it, then you could also try "Use CFR" in advanced