Question / Help No software capture option?


New Member
Hello guys i just downloaded the new version off OBS and i cant use the capture software option anymore?
I mean i cant see the option anymore
I mean now i can only capture window?
Please help


heros in an halfshel
The Software Capture option was just window and monitor capture, it has now been split up into two different sources, coincidentially named "Window Capture" and "Monitor Capture". Other than being split up, it operates exactly the same way as before.


New Member
Well first it only streamed the slected program i wanted to stream and now it streams like everything i do normally in the background?


What are you trying to stream/capture? The fact it shows everything now suggests to me you're using Monitor Capture. Which is not recommended unless there really is no alternative and there usually is an alternative.


heros in an halfshel
That is no different compared to how it was before. I will attempt to explain.

If you are using Windows Vista/7 and Aero is off, Window Capture and Monitor Capture will behave the identically, the only difference is that Window Capture does tracking for the window you have selected. If something else covers that window, whatever is in that region will show up instead.

If you are using Windows Vista/7 and Aero is on, Window Capture will only capture the window that you select, even if there's something else covering it. If Aero is on, you should not use Monitor Capture at all unless it can't be avoided, as it will limit your frame rate to something like 20.

If you are using Windows 8, Aero can't be disabled, and thus isn't a factor. Window Capture works the same way as in Vista/7 with Aero on, but Monitor Capture is just as fast as Window Capture due to the updated Desktop Window Manager in Windows 8.