I am unable to output Media Player Classic's sound to my stream even though Skype's sounds works for output and input and they are both using the same channel! I know at some point, the sound from MPC was working, but I don't know what change to cause this issue. I have tried selecting the different sound channels in MPC and none of them work. I have even tried to restart the media player after each one. Also, I can hear the music from MPC in my headphones, but nothing comes through in the stream. Did I have something selected incorrectly?
CPU 2700k Overclocked to 4.5ghz
Asus Xonar DGX Audio Device [Audio Card]
Nvidia GTX 690, GT 430, On-board Video
2x SSD Raid0
Win8 64bit
OBS 64bit
Desktop Resolution 5760x1080 [Plus two more 1080p monitors] [5x monitors in total//all 1080p]
Streaming Resolution 1920x1080 [streams only the game plus monitor]
Streaming Reduced to 720p
Stream FPS 30fps
[Please see images for more information.]
CPU 2700k Overclocked to 4.5ghz
Asus Xonar DGX Audio Device [Audio Card]
Nvidia GTX 690, GT 430, On-board Video
2x SSD Raid0
Win8 64bit
OBS 64bit
Desktop Resolution 5760x1080 [Plus two more 1080p monitors] [5x monitors in total//all 1080p]
Streaming Resolution 1920x1080 [streams only the game plus monitor]
Streaming Reduced to 720p
Stream FPS 30fps
[Please see images for more information.]