Bug Report No Music from MPC in OBS Streams?


New Member
I am unable to output Media Player Classic's sound to my stream even though Skype's sounds works for output and input and they are both using the same channel! I know at some point, the sound from MPC was working, but I don't know what change to cause this issue. I have tried selecting the different sound channels in MPC and none of them work. I have even tried to restart the media player after each one. Also, I can hear the music from MPC in my headphones, but nothing comes through in the stream. Did I have something selected incorrectly?

CPU 2700k Overclocked to 4.5ghz
Asus Xonar DGX Audio Device [Audio Card]
Nvidia GTX 690, GT 430, On-board Video
2x SSD Raid0
Win8 64bit
OBS 64bit

Desktop Resolution 5760x1080 [Plus two more 1080p monitors] [5x monitors in total//all 1080p]
Streaming Resolution 1920x1080 [streams only the game plus monitor]
Streaming Reduced to 720p
Stream FPS 30fps

[Please see images for more information.]


  • Untitled-1.png
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  • 2013-05-26.log
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  • Untitled-3.png
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
First, try turning off GX mode in your xonar settings: http://i.imgur.com/z0EzQbi.jpg -- Apparently this causes problems with streaming. The xonar always seems to have something funky going on.

If you still have problems then I'm not entirely sure, sometimes if you use both a sound card and USB headphones they can output sounds separately so then you basically have to (currently) choose in OBS which you want to capture.


New Member
I am using standard audio jack headphone, the DT 770. Also I included the wrong window for the output of my audio. If you need me to upload that now, please let me know!

So far, that small little button has corrected the problem! Thanks for the tip!