Question / Help No image on local recordings


New Member

I search a bit but didn't find anything. Maybe my search-string were a bit off or it isn't answered. Anyways:

When I record localy I do have sound but no image. When I open the .mp4 in VLC I can see the picture but not when I open it in Windows Media Player. I can't edit the file in my editor, Power Director 11, either. Same as in WMP, no image but just sound.

Is there a codec I might have missed that I should use or something?



New Member
dodgepong said:
I'm guessing your editor is Vegas?

The latest test version should fix the issues.

Nope, Power Director 11, as my post says. Hehe! I'm one of those who rather pay for my programs and Vegas is... crazy expensive.
But I'll give the test build a try when I get some time over later today and get back you (so others can see too if they have the same problem) with a result.


New Member
Tested with 0.467a (test 7) now. Still the same. Neither Windows Movie Player nor Power Director recognize it as a playable movie-file.

Since VLC can play it, I'm still thinking it might be a codec or something. But what?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
The program probably is only compatible when CFR is turned on (in advanced settings)


New Member
Good call. I followed a guide (who I failed to mention, sorry for that) who said that I should add the line "crf=0 vbv-maxrate=0 vbv-bufsize=0" for the Custom x264 Encoder Settings. I removed ""crf=0" from it and now it works great. It's just down to some small finetuning now. :)


Forum Admin
vbv maxrate and vbv buffer are what you're setting in the Encoding tab of OBS, it's redundant and a bad idea to try and override those settings

crf and cfr are two different things

Back in college my Linux teacher always drilled into our heads something that applies to a number of scenarios, including 'advanced settings' in applications that I try to follow. "Never use black magic", black magic being terminal commands we didn't fully understand, cause god knows the damage you could do to Linux just blindly following things.

If a guide for anything goes over 'advanced' things doesn't explain what those certain advanced things do, it's a poor guide in my opinion