Question / Help No Audio With Dazzle dvc 100 in OBS


New Member
Hey there. I have had this problem for about 3 weeks now. I can't seem to get my audio working for OBS. I am using a wii to play Spongebob: bfbb and I basically plug in my component cords into my tv then into my dazzle and play the game in obs. But when I am in obs I cant hear the game audio, I made sure all the cords were in right and tightly. I also selected my audio device in the video capture device in obs as dvc 100 audio. But I can't hear anything. I am using kraken chroma 7.1 as my headset. All the other audio works in obs but the dazzle audio, So it is not my headset I also make sure to end any processes like krakenchromahelper in taskmanager so I am really mind fucked on what to do. If anyone could help it would fantastic.