no Audio sound while film is playing -- Using virtual audio cable with zoom


New Member
I am Using Zoom and everything ist working great . Using an USB Interface for a wireless headset and Sound comes out of my USB Interface with 2 Monitors..
When I make a Zoom call ... everything works great ... ... but whent I start a film in my FILM Scene ... i can hear no sound... my audience has the sound ... and it irritates me not hearing what is in my Film going on.. ..

I have the audio monitor set on CABLE input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)... How can I send also the sound to my Speakers? >> second monitor?


Active Member
I had the exact same problem, feeding a browser-based remote meeting. The fix was here:

The only audio output from OBS that is not embedded in a stream, is the Monitor, and the default here is Monitor Off. Change it to Monitor and Output, and you should be good to go.

I figured that out live, during a presentation to a combination local and remote audience. One of the remote people said they couldn't hear the videos, so I got to troubleshoot and fix it live! Fun! :-/

There's a fairly new plugin called Source Defaults, that is supposed to fix this problem so you don't have to do it manually every time you add something.


Active Member
I am Using Zoom and everything ist working great . Using an USB Interface for a wireless headset and Sound comes out of my USB Interface with 2 Monitors..
When I make a Zoom call ... everything works great ... ... but whent I start a film in my FILM Scene ... i can hear no sound... my audience has the sound ... and it irritates me not hearing what is in my Film going on.. ..

I have the audio monitor set on CABLE input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)... How can I send also the sound to my Speakers? >> second monitor?
Okay, reading closer, that's not your problem. Leaving it up though, as it might help someone else.

So your audio path is:
OBS Monitor --> VB-Cable --> Zoom
And you want:
OBS Monitor --> somehow --> Zoom
                      +---> Physical Speakers

I think what you want in that case is not VB-Cable, but Voicemeeter from the same company. It's essentially a small audio mixer in its own right, that includes a virtual speaker and a virtual mic in addition to its physical I/O. Send OBS's Monitor to that virtual speaker, have Zoom pick up that virtual mic, and use VM's controls to connect and manage everything.

If you need more channels, either physical or virtual, then you can look at the larger versions: Banana and Potato.


New Member
AaronD you made my day.. I installed Voicemeter and its exactly what I need.. I have now my Wireless headset (via Focusrite solo) in
hardware Input 1 HW IN 2 is my PC Micro Virtual Input is everything from pc... HW OUT A1 Focusride speakers A2 Cable input..

I route hw in1 to B HW 2 is off Virtual in route to A and B and it works . I hear now the video while streaming in my Focusride Speakers B ist virtual out..

THANKS a lot..